per item
Grass-fed Beef – This year we will have a imited number of beef animals. Buy by the whole or side.
- some customers choose to purchase a side or whole and split it up themselves to share with another family, couple, or meat eater.
Beef – Grass-fed - The rate is $4.00/lb for 18month old steers and $3.75/Lb for baby beef ($/Lb hanging carcass weight).
- Slaughter: Gunter Bothers will be doing the slaughter. Gunter's charge $120/head for slaughter which will be shared amongst the buyers of each cow if you choose to also have your meat butchered (cut and wrap) at Gunter Bros. If you choose to take your meat elsewhere for butcher Gunter Bros.' charge is $150/head for slaughter.
- Butcher (Cut and Wrap): Gunter Bros. charges $0.85/lb for mixed quarters to cut and wrap. A mixed quarter refers to the fact that the front and back quarter are butchered and mixed together to insure fairness of cuts. For those ordering a side of beef or more the cost is only $0.75/lb for cut and wrap (this is because Gunter's don't mix the meat cuts up for you if you have an entire side). If you want your meat butchered elsewhere we can recommend other places in the Comox Valley that we have had great experiences with.
- Pick up/Delivery: Customers will have to pay all of Gunter's fees before meat leaves Gunter's cooler. Gunter's will send each customer an invoice for their services. Beef should be ready to pick up by late September. We will do a one time delivery to a designated pick-up site and time in Campbell River and Quadra for customers at no additional fee. For other out of town customers special arrangements can be made to have it delivered.
- In Your Freezer: For first time buyers here are a few numbers. ¼ of a 500Lb beef will require about a 3 cubic ft space in a freezer. To put that in perspective, a milk crate holds about 1 cubic foot.